Area: Viotia, Akrefnio

Results 1 to 2 out of 2.

Central Greece Viotia, Akrefnio Carol Saturday of Lazarus Carol, Ritual Song
Where Are You Lazarus?
Πού ’σαι Λάζαρε – Where are you, Lazarus? We hear your voice no longer, your mother and your sister search both high and low to find you. ...
Central Greece Viotia, Akrefnio Carol Saturday of Lazarus Carol, Ritual Song
Where Are You, Lazarus? (Lazarus Saturday Carol)
Πού ’σαι Λάζαρε – Where are you, Lazarus? We hear your voice no longer, your mother and your sister search both high and low to find you. ...

Results 1 to 2 out of 2.