Rhythm: 2 beats

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Results 101 to 120 out of 177.

Asia Minor Erythraea, Çeşme Carol New Year's Carol, Ritual Song
New Year Carol (Asia Minor)
Κάλαντα Πρωτοχρονιάς
Cappadocia / Konya Flogita Carol New Year's Carol, Ritual Song
New Year Carol (Cappadocia)
Άρχιν, άρχιν τα κάλαντα
Eastern Aegean Chios, Volissos Carol New Year's Carol, Wish Well
New Year Carol (Chios)
Άνοιξε πόρτα μ’, άνοιξε
Crete Lasithi, Agios Georgios Carol New Year's Carol, Wish Well | Ritual Song
New Year Carol (Crete)
Αρχιμηνιά κι αρχιχρονιά και παινέματα
Cappadocia / Konya Sinasos Love Song
On my way to the mountains of Prussa
Πάγω στης Προύσας τα βουνά On my way - oh aman, gel aman - On my way to the mountains of Prussa,1 I found a cool brook bubbling. I bent down to take ...
Central Greece Euboea Couplets Sea and Sailors Song, Lampoon
Our Tráta All Tattered
Η τράτα μας η κουρελού Our battered old boat and its tattered old nets patched over and over and yet always torn. Our old boat needs sails, Our ...
Eastern Aegean Lesvos, Skoutaro Instrumental
Pidichtos Dance
Πηδηχτός χορός
Cappadocia / Konya Farasa Religious, Literary
Pilgrim's Song
Χορευτικό πομπικό τραγούδι
Propontis Bithynia, Michalitsi Couplets Love Song
Roumbalia - Carnation
Who has seen a love-sick youth and a thief of love? Roumbalia,1 carnation, birds circle around you. He wakes up with sighs...
Epirus Klephtic Song
Σαμαρίνα Hey, you young klephts, you sons of Samarina, if you go up to the mountains, the Samarina way [don’t fire off shots, don’t...

Results 101 to 120 out of 177.