Rhythm: 9 beats

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Results 1 to 20 out of 61.

Pontus Lament
A Heavy Sigh
Σο έναν τ' αναστέναγμα μ'
Cappadocia / Konya Malakopi Wedding Song, For the Bride
Μην κλαις
Pontus Acritic Song
Akritas Goes Hunting (The Death of Digenis)
Ακρίτας πάει και σο κυνήγ' Out hunting, on the way to the hunting grounds, Akritas met Charon at a crossroads. - Charon, what've you got against me th...
Asia Minor Smyrna, Baindiri Couplets Love Song
Aman Gel Aman
Αμάν γκελ αμάν
Pontus Fable Song (Ballad), Acritic Song
Amarandos Goes to War (Marandon)
Ο Μάραντον Amarandos has received the order to go to war. He forges horseshoes of silver and nails of gold, He shoes his black steed b...
Pontus Acritic Song
An Eagle Soared
Αϊτέντς επαραπέτανεν An eagle soared high in the sky, high in the heavens with its bloody red jaws and its soot black crown and clutching a brav...
Asia Minor Couplets Love Song
Arabas (A Horse-Cart Is Passing By)
A horse-cart's passing by, raising clouds of dust, pull up your little dress 'cause it will gather dust. A horse-cart's pas...
Pontus Fable Song (Ballad)
At Trichas’ Bridge
Σην γέφυραν, σην γέφυραν (Της Τρίχας το γεφύρι) At the bridge, at the bridge, at Trichas’ bridge. A thousand builders hard at work, and ten thousand apprentices. They’d ...
Pontus Acritic Song
Digenes Rescues His Beloved
Ακρίτας όνταν έλαμνεν Akritas laboured down by the river, Coming and going he laboured, tracing five furrows, Coming and going he sowed nine meas...
Asia Minor Erythraea, Meli Couplets Love Song
You dance, my spoilt one, but I don't know who are you, from your stature you seem, scampish perivolaria, to be of noble bi...
Asia Minor Smyrna, Baindiri Couplets Love Song
Do Not Nurture Any Doubts
Υποψία να μην έχεις Oh, do not nurture any doubts about my love for you. I feel quite lost when you are gone one hour from me. You are a garden...
Eastern Thrace & Roumelia Love Song
Down at Aghia Marini
Down at Aghia Marini, at Virgin Mary's monastery a twelve-year-old girl, joined the local nunnery. She doesn't cross her fi...
Eastern Thrace & Roumelia Love Song
Down at Aghia Marini
Down at Aghia Marini, at Virgin Mary's monastery a twelve-year-old girl, joined the local nunnery. She doesn't cross her fi...
Thessaly Magnesia, Trikeri Fable Song (Ballad)
Down on the Sandy Beach
Κάτω στο γιαλό Down on the sandy beach, down by the water’s edge, a girl was laundering her silver-threaded dress. After rinsing it, she l...
Macedonia Grevena, Sarakina Carol Saturday of Lazarus Carol, Ritual Song
Good Women Bearing Palms (Lazarus Saturday Carol)
Βάγιες μου, Βαγίτσες μου Come, Holy Virgin, come along and see these women bearing palms, good women bearing palms, good souls, bend down a little wa...

Results 1 to 20 out of 61.