Dance Style: Pogonisios

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Results 1 to 13 out of 13.

Epirus Love Song
I’ll Be the Basil by Your Window
Βασιλικός θα γίνω I’ll be the basil by your window, I’ll stay unwed for your sake. Come, come to me and I’ll fill you with glee. Come to th...
Epirus Immigration Song
John Dear Your Handkerchif
Γιάννη μου το μαντίλι σου Your kerchief, Yanni, dearest love, why is it soiled and dirty? Come, Yanno, come, Yannaki dear, come now my handsome fello...
Epirus Pogoni Immigration Song
My Emigrated Bird
My love-bird far away from home, my love who's broken-hearted,                                                              ...
Epirus Pogoni Immigration Song
My Heart-Sick Bird Flown Far From Home
Ξενιτεμένο μου πουλί My heart-sick bird flown far from home, joy you bring those far-flung lands, sadness all you leave behind. What'll I send,...
Epirus Immigration Song
The Lady Turtle-Dove
There in the sky that you fly, my lady turtle-dove, when from these hights you're looking down, did you by chance see my lo...
Epirus Polyphonic Fable Song (Ballad)
The Love of Yannos and Marigo
Yannos and Marigo went to the same school. Yannos could read and write, Marigo could sing. They loved each other, no one kn...
Epirus Immigration Song
High up upon your way, moré turtledove, down low as you pass by, sweet beautiful turtledove, might you have caught sight o...
Epirus Immigration Song
Your Kerchief, Yanni
Your kerchief, Yanni, dearest love, why is it soiled and dirty? Come, Yanni, come, Yannaki dear, come now my handsome fello...

Results 1 to 13 out of 13.