Rhythm: 7 beats

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Results 101 to 117 out of 117.

Asia Minor Couplets Love Song
There Are Hearts That Laugh
Είναι καρδιές όπου γελούν There are hearts that laugh, there are hearts that weep; there are hearts that ache, but don’t speak of pain. Oh, come, my ...
Peloponnese Sea and Sailors Song
Three Slender Girls
Three slender girls, three slender girls set out together, they were all three, my friend, all three were dark-eyed girls. ...
Peloponnese Couplets Easter Song, Ritual Song
Today, My Dark-Eyed Beauty (Easter Dance)
Σήμερα Xριστός Aνέστη Today, my dark-eyed beauty, today it’s ‘Christ is Risen!’ today it’s ‘Christ is Risen!, he’s taken up to heaven. Today, my ...
Macedonia Historical Song
Up Siátista Way
Up Siátista way, just up from Kastoriá, will you not weep mothers, mothers and children? They killed Pavlos, Pavlos Melás ...
Peloponnese Love Song
Vassilo Kalamatiani
Βασίλω Καλαματιανή Hey there, Vassílo, o lass from Kalamáta, ah... Vasso, my dear Vassílo, hey there, o lass from Mikrománi. Oh tut, my dear ...
Thessaly Magnesia, Pouri Wedding Song
Wedding song (Pouri)
Το Μάη θα βάλω ένα πανί
Central Greece Klephtic Song
What Ails You, Poor Plane-Tree?
What ails you, poor plane-tree? Your roots draw water, amán, your roots draw well, yet you stand there limp, your roots dr...
Central Greece Klephtic Song
What Ails You, Poor Plane-Tree?
Τ' έχεις καημένε πλάτανε What ails you, poor plane-tree? Your roots draw water, amán, your roots draw well, yet you stand there limp, your roots dr...
Macedonia Immigration Song
White Doves O Mine, White Ring-Doves
White doves o’ mine, white ring-doves, black-hued birds o’ mine, you fly so high above us, traversing the sky. Come down, a...
Eastern Thrace & Roumelia Love Song
Who Ever Saw a Tree of Green
Ποιός είδε πράσινο δεντρί Who ever saw a tree of green, with silver leaves to boot, my little black-eyed girl, eyes black, eyebrows dark as soot. I...
Macedonia Chalkidiki, Ierissos Easter Song, Local Event | Ritual Song
Why, It Was Easter Day (Easter Dance Song)
Why, it was Easter Day, good George, t’was Easter, the day of happy tidings, my good George, a day of happy tidings, dear D...
Asia Minor Smyrna, Baindiri Couplets Love Song
You, Sweet Lass
Καλέ συ Oh, those gentle, melting eyes - amán, I’m done for, oh amán! tell me where you found them, lass -  yes, you, sweet lass, ...

Results 101 to 117 out of 117.